Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Nov. 21-Chemo Day 9

I actually felt quite a bit like my pre-chemo self today!  Lexi had an orthodontist appointment in Ionia, another trip to Meijer (it never ends), errands in town and an appointment in Battle Creek.  I feel really good, just tired.  
A cool side effect for today was floaters in my vision while driving this morning.  Never had this before but my eye doctor says it's called Entoptic Phenomena.  A formal definition is that under suitable conditions light falling on the eye may render visible certain objects within the eye itself.  An informal definition would be that I was seeing my tears or blood cells.  Aforementioned eye doctor is going to do some more research.  It lasted only through my drive to Ionia in the fog:)
Speaking of research, my appointment in Battle Creek today was with a Genetics Counselor.  I ended up having the test done.  This is the purpose:  The test analyzes a specific gene(s) for genetic changes called mutations.  The gene(s) analyzed are associated with specific hereditary cancer syndrome.  The test will help determine if a person has a significantly increased risk of developing certain tumors due to a mutation(s) in a cancer-predisposing gene.  So now I've probably lost you for sure!
I think I mentioned previously in a blog that my Mom has had this same testing done and was found to be negative for any mutations.  There is still a small chance I could be positive but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.  One neat thing I learned is that if I am negative, my family (mom, sister & I) has opportunities to take part in some studies or research.  Because the big question at that point will be; if none of us carry this mutated cancer gene then why did my Grandma, my Aunt, my Mom and now me all have breast cancer?  Things that make you go hmmmm.
Really looking forward to all of the yummy food tomorrow as my stomach is almost all back to normal.  I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.  Be thankful to him and bless his name.  For the Lord is good; his mercy everlasting and his truth endures to all generations.  
Psalm 100: 4-5

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Neulasta Roadblock

After a great day on Sunday, Monday provided a roadblock.  My Mom & I went to Hastings so I could do my regular weekly blood work and we got groceries.  By the time we returned home at about 12:30, I was having terrible lower back pain.  The pain continued to get worse and included spasms as well as numbness and tingling sensations down my legs into my feet.  Not fun!  If I were to rank the most painful experiences in my life it would go:  1. Birth of Gavin 2. Birth of Alexis (I really don't know which child induced the most pain but Gavin's the oldest so we'll blame him:) 3.Yesterday's back pain.  I was in tears and not in my right mind.  After seeing what some pain meds would do for me (nothing) I put a call in to the oncology nurse.  When she called me back she said that the pain was most likely caused by the shot, Neulasta, that I received last Wednesday.  I questioned her; how this could be, I had the shot 6 days ago for goodness sakes?  I have numbness & tingling in my legs that started at the same time as the pain, why is this?  She explained that these are two separate issues.  The pain, no doubt from the shot (a shot meant to help you has the ability to cause this much pain?...I'll get to that in a minute) but the other was from a conditional common for chemo patients called Neuropathy.  So apparently I was having these back spasms and the neuropathy decided to kick me while I was down!  The nurse said to start alternating Tylenol & Ibuprofen and also to alternate heat & ice, call tomorrow if it wasn't under control.  I was so mad when I got off the phone!  Not so much at the poor nurse who had to hear me sniffling back tears on the other side of the phone, but at this shot that can hurt a person so badly.  The purpose of it is to stimulate or boost the growth of white blood cells that are often attacked during chemo.  The brochure does indicate that the most common side effect is aching in the bones & muscles.  It goes on to say that it can usually (gotta love the insertion of certain words) be relieved with a nonasprin pain reliever.  So what do I do at this point but Google this crazy idea!  There is a really good site courtesy of the American Cancer Society where a patient can put out a question and then others can answer based on their own experiences.  These were some of the responses that I read last night regarding other experiences with the Neulasta shot: "unspeakable bone pain", "just about died from the pain", "such severe pain I could not even move".  Reading these responses actually helped me to realize that I am not a wimp and that what I was experiencing was very real!  Thank you to my parents who got Lexi to dance & back for me last night.  Thank you to the 5 friends who I e-mailed yesterday afternoon asking for prayer.  They did pray and also prayed that I would be able to sleep last night.  Guess what?!  I slept from 11pm-5:10am without waking once!!!  If you really knew how much pain I was in at bedtime you would understand how excited I was when I woke up this morning!  The pain is still there today but without those awful spasms.  It actually feels better to stand than to sit or lay.  I have no idea how long this might last or if the spasms will come back but God's got this and I know that he will help me through whatever else might come my way!

I am praying for and missing my preschoolers & co-workers today as it is Grandparent's Day at Peas in a Pod.  I have not shared this with all of you yet but my oncologist "strongly suggested" that I not work during chemo due to the nature of my job and the fact that we are going into flu season.  I am disappointed and missing my "little turkeys".   But I understand and want to put my health first right now.

On another note, I ordered my wig yesterday!  I had tried on some wigs in a store and found my favorite.  My wonderful sister searched to find a company that sells wigs at a great price so I ordered the same one from them.  I have not shared this on my blog yet, but a generous woman whom I do not even know personally (she works with my sister) wrote a check a few weeks ago that just about completely covered the cost of my wig.  It was her birthday gift to herself.  I cannot think or speak about this act of kindness without tearing up.  This woman has blessed me more than she knows and I look forward to the day that I can gift someone else in a similar way.  I am so thankful for these "golden nuggets" that the Lord has provided me during this time.  How can I be down and out when such amazing things are happening in and through this diagnosis?!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

More Like Myself

Today was a great day!  I am certainly not 100% back to my usual self but today was a day that lifted my spirits for sure!  The day started well when I woke at 5:30am and realized that was the first time I had woke during the night.  This was a huge improvement from the prior few nights.

Secondly, I got to go to church!  It was nice to chat & worship with my church family.
After some lunch and a brief rest I was able to have a nice visit with my cousins Josh & Lisa Oleson and Allison Boutwell.  I also got to hold and cuddle Allison & Ryan's new baby, Dominick!
Then I went to my parents for a nice visit with them as well as Lee & Keri and got to hold and cuddle Keegan...all this baby holding is very therapeutic!  Then after another brief rest (my rest times are getting shorter & shorter-YEAH) I made dinner for my family.  I am very thankful for those who provided meals this week but it felt good to be able to cook for them myself!  Plus food was seeming more appealing today and I was eating also for pleasure, not just because I had to.

On a funny note:  my scalp was really tingly and itchy this morning.  It freaked me out cause I thought I had lice...I even had Kyle check my head!  About this time the realization hit me that this must be a chemo thing.  I looked it up and it is:)