Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jan. 24-Last Chemo-Day 10

Started the week by going full tilt and hit a wall on Wednesday.  Realized that I am still very much trying to recover & still need to give myself some times of rest.

While I was resting on Wednesday I did more research on Triple Negative Breast Cancer which is what my cancer is.  There are 3 different hormone receptors (ER, PR and HER2) that they test for on the tumor.  My tumor did not show these, therefore I am considered "Triple Negative."  I will not be able to take Tamoxifen or Herceptin after my chemo & radiation like many women do as these drugs are only used when a patient is positive for these hormone receptors.  I plan to talk with the oncologist about this at my next visit to see if there is another prevention medication I will be able to take.
I found out that the first ever National Triple Negative Breast Cancer Day is on 3-3-13.  I ordered a shirt that they were selling on their website.  There is a walk in Grand Rapids on that day as well as many other fund raisers across the country.  This is something I will be continuing to research & learn more about .

My Mom found a book that she was given when she had breast cancer.  She gave it to me & I have been reading it.  It's called A Spiritual Journey Through Breast Cancer by Judy Asti.  Judy was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer at age 46 and gives a very candid account of her struggles.  It is crazy how much I can relate to what she is talking about.  This is one paragraph that spoke to me:
The journey is tough on the body.  There is a lot you can do to maintain a pretty normal appearance if you want to, but try not to dwell on it.  Despite what Hollywood tells us, the outer body is simply a vessel that carries us through this life.  Keep your eyes off the mirror and on The Lord.  It is the inner life that really matters.

1 comment:

  1. I really love that quote, too.

    How was your weekend? Just thinking of you.
