Saturday, October 6, 2012

Meeting with the surgeon...

On Friday afternoon Kyle & I met with the surgeon who did my biopsy, Dr. Rappaport.  I learned my type of cancer (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma), the stage of the cancer (right now I am Stage 2 but this could change depending on lymph node testing & spread) and some options for surgery/treatment.

After meeting with him we scheduled all of other testing that needs to be done.  Luckily, I am able to get everything done on Monday & Tuesday!  On Monday I have a phone consult with the oncologist's office, then I head to Pennock for an MRI and blood work.  On Tuesday I go back to Pennock for a CAT scan on my head, chest, abdomen & pelvis in the morning.  At 10am I will receive an injection to prepare my body for a 1pm bone scan.  That will be a long day!

I am so thankful for how fast I have been getting appointments and even more thankful for the love & support I am receiving!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Just got a call from the surgeon's office and they had oncologist appointments for me!  I have a phone consult on Monday, Oct. 8th at 9am and then see the doctor on Wednesday, Oct. 10th at 1:45pm.
I am thankful that I am getting in so quickly.

Oct. 4th-Day 3

A good friend encouraged me to write a blog.  It will be a way for me to update family and friends about this cancer journey.  God has already shown himself to me in His promises and the wonderful people that he has placed in my life.  I would never have wished to have cancer, but I do, and I choose to speak hope.