Saturday, October 6, 2012

Meeting with the surgeon...

On Friday afternoon Kyle & I met with the surgeon who did my biopsy, Dr. Rappaport.  I learned my type of cancer (Invasive Ductal Carcinoma), the stage of the cancer (right now I am Stage 2 but this could change depending on lymph node testing & spread) and some options for surgery/treatment.

After meeting with him we scheduled all of other testing that needs to be done.  Luckily, I am able to get everything done on Monday & Tuesday!  On Monday I have a phone consult with the oncologist's office, then I head to Pennock for an MRI and blood work.  On Tuesday I go back to Pennock for a CAT scan on my head, chest, abdomen & pelvis in the morning.  At 10am I will receive an injection to prepare my body for a 1pm bone scan.  That will be a long day!

I am so thankful for how fast I have been getting appointments and even more thankful for the love & support I am receiving!

1 comment:

  1. We're thinking of you! We're supporting you! So great that this is moving along!
