Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bald Is The New Beautiful

This title comes from one of the posters that hang on my bathroom mirror right now.  Yesterday the kids and I made 6 posters to hang up around the mirror that would help me once my hair was gone.  I have to share because my kids are amazing!  My posters said, "It's Only Hair!" and "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, Phil. 4:13".  Lexi's posters say, "You Will Still Look Good!" and "We Love You Even Though You Are Bald!". Gavin's say, "Bald Is The New Beautiful" and "People Shouldn't Judge by Hair, They Should Judge by Heart!"

On Sunday morning my hair started really coming out.  In the shower and while blow-drying especially.  On Monday it was coming out in handfuls in the shower, while brushing it (even though I was really careful) and again while blow-drying.  I was contemplating cutting it all off on Monday night but I just wasn't really ready yet.  Tuesday morning was a different story though.  I was washing my hair and it was coming out faster than I could wash it!  I just kept thinking, "this is SO silly, why am I doing this?!?!". So I wrote an e-mail to myself & Kyle, just in case I needed something to read later on to remind myself why I was getting rid of my hair.  Here is a part of that e-mail:  "It was so silly & senseless to try & wash my hair in the shower today.  My hair came out faster than I could even shampoo & condition it!  I could feel it flowing down my back.  It was caught between my toes and covering my arms.  There was sooooo much more hair than yesterday so I can't imagine what tomorrow will be like.  But I won't have to know because I'm done...done with trying to pretend that maybe it's not really going to come out.  It is coming out and looking at myself in the mirror while brushing my hair is all I have to remember!  I have been preparing myself for this for almost 2 months now...there is no use in waiting anymore.  I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

So after Kyle & Gavin got home from basketball practice we set up shop in our bedroom where we also watched The Voice on TV.  Alexis got to have a turn at first cutting my hair with the scissors.  She had a blast.  My favorite was when she said, "oops, I messed up!". Gavin had a turn with the scissors too.  I looked in the mirror a couple of times and we took a couple of pictures.  It was actually fun giggling at the funny looks of my hair while it was coming off.  Then Kyle & the kids took turns using the buzz clippers to finish the deal.  I warned them that I might cry (I really thought I was going to when I felt of my head for the first time) but I never did.

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