Monday, December 3, 2012

Preparing for Round 2!

Jill (Kyle's Mom) and I went to my oncology appointment this morning.  First blood work (which has all been normal), a visit with my favorite nurse, Joe, and then some time with the doctor.  I found out that I can take Claritin to help (hopefully) with the effects of the Neulasta shot that I had trouble with before.  I can also take Tylenol PM or Children's Benedryl to aid in sleeping the first week.
He said that the chemo does have a cumulative effect.  Not sure what that will mean for me.  But likely the symptoms will be more severe and I could have less "normal" feeling time between treatments.  I am feeling down tonight as I am a nervous about heading back in to this.  It's kind of nice knowing what to expect (the unknown is always scarier) but because I know what to expect I think I dread it more.  I know that I will get through it with God's help and the support & prayers of all of you.  It's such a small amount of time in the whole scheme of things & so temporary.

My Mom shared this verse with me tonight.  She reminded me that I had given her this same verse 10 years ago when she was fighting her own battle with cancer.
Isaiah 40:31 But those who trust in the Lord will become strong again.  They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will walk and not become tired.


  1. So nice your mom remembers what a help you were to her! We'll be thinking of you. I hope the Claritin works!

  2. Your Mom sent a nice note of encouragement to my Mom when she was going through Stage 4 Lymphoma cancer almost five years ago. Your Mom is a great gal, as is her daughter! My Mom is well today thanks to the good Lord. Keep your boxing gloves up and we'll be keeping you in our prayers.
